Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
Enchantée, je suis Violette, presque 70 ans et toutes mes dents. Mes vieilles jambes ne me permettant plus de monter au grenier, c'est sur la toile que je voyage pour dénicher de belles images "vintage" pour les partager ici. Enjoy!

5 juil. 2010

Frank Zappa in his baroque splendour

Yes Frankie, I like you too, but I must say that I didn't always understand what you were singing, I'm French you see. Btw, do you know that I found your Pipco T-Shirt on ebay ? I offered it to your best fan, my boyfriend. Keeps it green color through the washing, good American cotton quality (I mean, the T-shirt).

...Not fond of your dressing gown though, but the nice frame below evokes the castle that I will possess someday (in France, when we earn enough money, we buy castles). I know people who acquired a castle, but then, they didn't have enough money to pay for the electricity bill. So they wander around their castle with a warm dressing gown like yours. But they can't even light a fire (and they eat nothing).

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