Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
Enchantée, je suis Violette, presque 70 ans et toutes mes dents. Mes vieilles jambes ne me permettant plus de monter au grenier, c'est sur la toile que je voyage pour dénicher de belles images "vintage" pour les partager ici. Enjoy!

4 juil. 2010

Sylvie Vartan & The Beatles

Sylvie Vartan was Johnny Halliday's wife for a while, in the sixties, they had a son, David, like in Harry Nilsson's song.

On this picture, Sylvie pretends to play guitar and to have the rock'n'roll attitude, well, in a way, she had. Just be young, beautiful, famous and sexy, just wear the most fashionable haircut, and hang out with the most fashionable pop bands, then, you may have a chance to be part of the history. You lucky girl!

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